A Man Called Otto is a 2022 American comedy-drama film starring Tom Hanks as Otto, a grumpy widower who plans to end his life after losing his wife Sonya. His plans are interrupted by his new neighbours, a young family led by Marisol, a lively woman who befriends him and helps him rediscover his joy. The film is based on a novel by Fredrik Backman and directed by Marc Forster

Showing Friday 9th June 2023 at The Old Girls’ School Community Centre. Doors open 7pm for refreshments, film starts 7:30pm.
Tickets £5 each. On sale from 12th May:
> The Old Girls’ School Community Centre & Tearoom, Sherburn In Elmet
> Sherburn & Villages Community Library
> The Little Teapot Tearoom

Tickets may be available on the night, but we recommend buying in advance as recent cinemas have sold out early. It also helps our volunteers plan how many people to expect.

Sherburn Cinema A Man Called Otto

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