Sherburn Scout Group are again supporting The Crypt and Brotherton Clothes Bank as again they have so many children, teenagers and families who without support won’t receive a gift this Christmas.
The Clothing Bank Brotherton, look after circa 300 extremely vulnerable children, most of which just have the clothes on their backs.
St George’s Crypt who deal with some of the most socially deprived areas in Leeds and they estimate they will need deliver 3000 present to children who wouldn’t normally get any presents without them.
Last year we hoped to collect a couple of sack fulls of gifts, but we filled two transit vans! The difference you made was overwhelming.
This year we are asking for your help again, the Past year has been even tougher financially for so many.
If you can spare a gift it will make such a huge difference.
Again, all gifts unwrapped please and only new items.
Brotherton are asking for Toys and Pyjama’s.
For teens Amazon voucher are a great option.
Let’s see what difference we can make again this year
Community collection days are Sunday 5th, Saturday 11th December at Sherburn Scout Group on Church Hill 9 – 4 pm