All aboard! Model railway exhibition at Sherburn library. On Wednesday 18th January 11am-3pm, a model railway will be pulling in to Sherburn & Villages Community Library.
The model railway layout is known as ‘Johnston Quarry’, a 12 ft x 8ft layout depicting a fictional quarry works. It consists of an oval of track and a few sidings at the front with some storage roads at the back.
Model railway 1
Enthusiast Tony Kell has been making O Gauge model railways for 35 years and is kindly bringing this display to the library for people of all ages to view. O Gauge is about twice as big as the more common OO Gage model railways.
Tony explained “This one was inspired when my eight year old grandson wanted to build a layout but had nowhere at home to do so. He laid out the initial specifications in that he wanted to run trains round and round and they had to be the same scale as Grandad’s (my) other layouts.
“This presented a considerable problem as usually, O Gauge layouts have 6foot radius curves. These are just over three feet radius and so only short wagons and locos can run on it. In addition, all the track had to be hand made as there were no ‘off the shelf’ track products available.”
This is a free event as part of the library Warm Welcome Wednesdays, where free tea, coffee and biscuits are available 10am-4pm.
Huge thanks to Tony Kell for bringing the railway to the library – it takes an hour to set up, and an hour to take down, so we really do appreciate it!

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