As you’ve probably guessed, our Butterflies class naturally progress from our Caterpillars class. Once your child has developed their skills, including listening and independence, we will invite you to join our Butterflies class! This class is very similar to the Caterpillars in that it is a fun, exciting environment with lots of different activities, but this time, the children do participate on their own. As the children will have developed independence, we feel it is very important to allow the children to give it a go on their own and see how they respond.

This session is recommended for children from 3 years old or at a stage in their development where they are able to follow simple instructions and be able to participate independently. Children will automatically be moved into the next session when they have reached the Summer before they join a Reception class full time (4 years old).
The price of this session is £5.00 per session for the first two sessions then £25.00 per month.

The current Butterflies sessions are:

  • Monday  – 11.00am – 11.45am
  • Monday – 4.15pm – 5.00pm
  • Tuesday – 4.15pm -5.00pm
  • Wednesday – 4.30-5.15pm
  • Thursday – 12.00noon – 12.45pm
  • Thursday – 4.30-5.15pm
  • Friday – 11.00am – 11.45am
  • Friday – 11-11.45am


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