Complete Clothing Company are holding a fashion show at The Old Girls’ School on Thursday 23rd September. Filled with high street clothing at affordable prices, there hopes to be a raffle, clothes, vouchers and much more to enjoy and participate in. With a ticket price of £4.00 which includes a drink, it is set to be a delightful evening. The hosts of the event are encouraging people to arrive at 7:00 pm for a 7:30 pm start.Fashion Show at the OGS Poster

The event itself wouldn’t have been possible without the FOGS (Friends of the Old Girls’ School) who have organised this evening. If you are interested and are thinking of purchasing a ticket then, these are available at:

The Little Teapot Tea Room

Sherburn Library

The Old Girls’ School

In collaboration with the Complete Clothing Company

tel: 01977 684930

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